Friday, February 3, 2017

Sunday, March 27, 2016


On my knees,
I hear God's voice;
On my knees,
I see His face.

On my knees,
I feel God's joy;
On my knees,
I feel His grace. 

On my knees,
The World stops;
On my knees,
Heaven speaks.

On my knees,
I come to Jesus;
I find His peace,
On my knees.

Sunday, October 11, 2015


Of all pains the heart endures,
The agony of letting go must be worst;
Whoever it was who said *hold on loosely*
Must have realized the paradox of surrender.

Of all wonders the heart will experience,
The joy of letting go is the very best;
Whoever it was who said *love God first*
Truly understood His very best friend.

Of all answers the heart must unwrap,
The peace found letting God is the easiest;
Whoever it was who said *let go and let God*
Definitely knew the breadth of His strength.

Of all the decisions the heart has to make,
Letting go and trusting God is paramount;
Whoever it was who first said *God is faithful*
Must have known 
only JESUS saves the lost.


Sunday, February 8, 2015

Heaven's Light

"My help comes from the Lord, 
who made heaven and earth."

I am a Christian first.
I do not lean left or right;
There’s only one joy in my life,
My broken heart belongs to Christ.

I am a Christian first,
I won’t defend greed or lust;
There’s only one peace in my soul,
My renewed mind belongs to Jesus.

I am a Christian first,
Jesus is my Sovereign Lord;
The Creator of Heaven and Earth,
He is alive and active in His Word.

I am a Christian first,
My citizenship is in Heaven’s Light;
There’s only one King of this Kingdom,
His name is Jesus Christ.